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Nexodata Raises ~USD7m Round from MELI Fund, Floating Point, FIR Capital and Others (em português)

8 July 2021

Nexodata, a Brazilian drug prescription and clinical exam scheduling platform, raised a ~USD7m round from Mercado Libre’s MELI Fund, Floating Point, FIR Capital, Albert Einstein Hospital, and the FO of Guilherme Benchimol. Nexodata was founded by Pedro Dias and Lucas Lacerda, who founded Brazilian telemedicine platform Vitta and sold it to Stone Pagamentos last year.

(Brazil Journal) – A Nexodata — a healthtech de prescrição eletrônica de medicamentos e exames — levantou R$ 35 milhões junto a investidores, incluindo o Meli Fund, o fundo de venture capital do Mercado Livre.

A rodada Série A contou ainda com o Hospital Albert Einstein; a Floating Point, um VC americano; a FIR Capital, de Belo Horizonte; e o family office de Guilherme Benchimol.

A Arpex Capital, de André Street, a LTS, veículo de Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles e Carlos Alberto Sicupira, e a GK Ventures, de Eduardo Mufarej, já investiam na empresa, mas não acompanharam a rodada.

Read more at Brazil Journal.